Sunday, August 8, 2010

New Testament in a Year - August 09


Romans 2 - Easy-To-Read Version (ERV)

August 09

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You Jews Also Are Sinful
2 1If you think that you can judge those other people, then you are wrong. You
too are guilty of sin. You judge those people, but you do the same bad things they
do. So when you judge them, you are really judging yourself guilty. 2God judges
the people that do those wrong things. And we know that God's judgment is right.
3You also judge the people that do those wrong things. But you do those wrong things
too. So surely you understand that God will judge you. You will not be able to escape.
4God has been very kind to you. And he has been patient with you. God has been waiting
for you to change. But you think nothing of his kindness. Maybe you don't understand
that God is kind to you so that you will change your hearts and lives. 5But you
people are hard and stubborn. You refuse to change. So you are making your own punishment
greater and greater. You will get that punishment on the day when God will show
his anger. On that day people will see God's right judgments. 6God will reward or
punish every person for the things that person has done. 7Some people live for God's
glory, for honor, and for life that cannot be destroyed. Those people live for those
things by always continuing to do good. God will give life forever to those people.
8But other people are selfish and refuse to follow truth. Those people follow evil.
God will give those people his punishment and anger. 9God will give trouble and
suffering to every person that does evil--to the Jews first and also to the non-Jews.
10But God will give glory, honor, and peace to every person that does good--to the
Jews first and also to the non-Jews. 11God judges all people the same.

12People that have the law* and people that have never heard of the law are all
the same when they sin. People that don't have the law and are sinners will be lost.
And, in the same way, people that have the law and are sinners will be judged by
the law. 13Hearing the law does not make people right with God. The law makes people
right with God only if those people always obey everything the law says. 14(The
non-Jews don't have the law. But when they freely do things that the law commands
without even knowing the law, then they are the law for themselves. This is true
even though they don't have the law. 15They show that in their hearts they know
what is right and wrong, the same as the law commands. And those people also show
this by the way they feel about right and wrong. Sometimes their thoughts tell them
that they did wrong, and this makes them guilty. And sometimes their thoughts tell
them that they did right, and this makes them not guilty.) 16All these things will
happen on the day when God will judge the secret things inside of people. The Good
News* that I tell people says that God will judge people through Christ Jesus.

The Jews and the Law
17What about you? You say you are a Jew. You trust in the law and boast that you
are close to God. 18You know what God wants you to do. And you know the things
that are important, because you have learned the law. 19You think you are a guide
for people that don't know the right way. You think you are a light for people that
are in darkness (sin). 20You think you can show foolish people what is right. And
you think you are a teacher for people that still need to learn. You have the law
and so you think that you know everything and have all truth. 21You teach other
people. So why don't you teach yourself? You tell people not to steal. But you yourselves
steal. 22You say that people must not do the sin of adultery.* But you yourselves
are guilty of that sin. You hate idols.* But you steal from temples.* 23You boast
about God's law. But you bring shame to God by breaking his law. 24It is written
in the Scriptures* : "The non-Jews say bad things about God because of you [Jews]."*

25If you follow the law,* then your circumcision* has meaning. But if you break
the law, then it is like you were never circumcised. 26The non-Jews are not circumcised.
But if they do what the law says, then it is like they were circumcised. 27You Jews
have the written law and circumcision, but you break the law. So the people that
are not circumcised in their bodies, but still obey the law, will show that you
people are guilty. 28A person is not a true Jew if he is only a Jew in his physical
body. True circumcision* is not only on the outside of the body. 29A person is a
true Jew only if he is a Jew inside. True circumcision is done in the heart. It
is done by the Spirit,* not by the written law. And a person that is circumcised
in the heart by the Spirit gets praise from God, not from people.

Footnotes: law God's law. It is represented in the law of Moses. Good News The news
that God has made a way for people to have their sins forgiven and live with Him
forever. adultery Breaking a marriage promise by sexual sin. idols The false gods
that the non-Jewish people worship. temples Places where people worship. Scripture(s)
Holy Writings--the Old Testament. "The non-Jews ... Jews" Quote from Isa. 52:5.
circumcision, circumcised To have the foreskin cut off. This was done to every Jewish
baby boy. It was a mark of the agreement God made with Abraham (Gen. 17:9-14). Spirit,
Holy Spirit Also called the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, and the Comforter.
Joined with God and Christ, He does God's work among people in the world.

"Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION © 2001 by World Bible Translation
Center, Inc. and used by permission."


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