Monday, September 28, 2009

New Testament in a Year - September 29


Galatians 1 - Easy-To-Read Version (ERV)

September 29

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11Greetings from Paul, an apostle.* I was chosen to be an apostle, but not by any
group of people. My authority did not come from other people. No! It was Jesus Christ
and God the Father who made me an apostle. God is the One who raised Jesus from
death. 2Greetings also from all the brothers [in Christ] who are with me. To the
churches (groups of believers) in Galatia.* 3I pray that God our Father and the
Lord Jesus Christ will be good to you and give you peace. 4Jesus gave himself for
our sins. Jesus did this to free us from this evil world we live in. This is what
God the Father wanted. 5The glory belongs to God forever and ever. Amen.
There Is Only One Good News Message

6A short time ago God called you to follow him. He called you through his grace
(kindness) that came through Christ. But now I am amazed at you people! You are
already turning away and believing something different from the Good News* [we told
you]. 7There is no other message that is good news. But some people are confusing
you. They want to change the Good News about Christ. 8We told you the true Good
News message. So if anyone tells you a different message, they should be condemned--even
if it's one of us or even an angel from heaven! 9I said this before. Now I say it
again: You have already accepted the Good News. If any person tells you another
way to be saved, they should be condemned! 10Now do you think I am trying to make
people accept me? No! God is the One I am trying to please. Am I trying to please
people? If I wanted to please people, I would not be a servant of Jesus Christ.
Paul's Authority Is from God
11Brothers [and sisters], I want you to know that the Good News* message I told
you was not made up by any person. 12I did not get my message from any other human.
The Good News is not something I learned from other people. Jesus Christ himself
gave it to me. He showed me the Good News that I should tell people. 13You have
heard about my past life. I was in the Jewish religion. I persecuted the church
of God very much. I tried to destroy the church (believers). 14I was becoming a
leader in the Jewish religion. I did better than most other Jews my own age. I
tried harder than anyone else to follow the old rules. These rules were the customs
we got from our ancestors.* 15But God had special plans for me even before I was
born. So God called me with his grace (kindness). God wanted me 16to tell the Good
News* about his Son (Jesus) to the non-Jewish people. So God showed (taught) me
about his Son. When God called me, I did not get advice or help from any person.
17I did not go to see the apostles* in Jerusalem. These men were apostles before
I was. But, without waiting, I went away to Arabia. Later I went back to the city
of Damascus.
18Three years later I went to Jerusalem; I wanted to meet Peter.* I stayed with
Peter 15 days. 19I met no other apostles* --only James, the brother of the Lord
(Jesus). 20God knows that these things I write are not lies. 21Later I went to the
areas of Syria and Cilicia. 22In Judea the churches (groups of believers) in Christ
had never met me before. 23They had only heard this about me: "This man was persecuting
us. But now he is telling people about the same faith that he once tried to destroy."
24These believers praised God because of me.

Footnotes: apostles The men Jesus chose to represent him in a special way. Galatia
Probably the area where Paul began churches on his first missionary trip. See Acts
13 and 14. Good News The news that God has made a way for people to have their sins
forgiven and live with him forever. ancestors Literally, "fathers," meaning a person's
parents, grandparents, and all the people they are descended from. Peter The text
says "Cephas," the Jewish name for Peter. He was one of Jesus' twelve apostles.
"Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION © 2001 by World Bible Translation
Center, Inc. and used by permission."

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