Friday, September 18, 2009

New Testament in a Year - September 19


2 Corinthians 4 - Easy-To-Read Version (ERV)

September 19

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Spiritual Treasure in Clay Jars
4 1God, with his mercy, gave us this work to do. So we don't give up. 2But we have
turned away from secret and shameful ways. We don't use trickery, and we don't change
the teaching of God. No! We teach the truth plainly. This is how we show people
who we are. And this is how they can know in their hearts what kind of people we
are before God. 3The Good News* that we tell people may be hidden. But it is hidden
only to those people who are lost. 4The ruler* of this world (the devil) has blinded
the minds of people who don't believe. They cannot see the light (truth) of the
Good News--the Good News about the glory of Christ. Christ is the One who is exactly
like God. 5We don't tell people about ourselves. But we tell people that Jesus Christ
is Lord; and we tell people that we are your servants for Jesus. 6God once said,
"The light will shine out of the darkness!" And this is the same God who made his
light shine in our hearts. He gave us light by letting us know the glory of God
that is in the face of Christ. 7We have this treasure [from God]. But we are only
like clay jars that hold the treasure. This shows that this great power is from
God, not from us. 8We have troubles all around us, but we are not defeated. We often
don't know what to do, but we don't give up. 9We are persecuted, but God does not
leave us. We are hurt sometimes, but we are not destroyed. 10We have the death of
Jesus in our own bodies. We carry this death so that the life of Jesus can also
be seen in our bodies (lives). 11We are alive, but for Jesus we are always in danger
of death. This happens to us so that the life of Jesus can be seen in our bodies
that die. 12So death is working in us, but life is working in you. 13It is written
[in the Scriptures*], "I believed, so I spoke."* Our faith is like that too. We
believe, and so we speak. 14God raised the Lord Jesus from death. And we know that
God will also raise us with Jesus. God will bring us together with you, and we will
stand before him. 15All these things are for you. And so the grace (kindness) of
God is being given to more and more people. This will bring more and more thanks
to God for his glory.
Living by Faith
16That is why we never become weak. Our physical body is becoming older and weaker,
but our spirit inside us is made new every day. 17We have small troubles for a while
now, but those troubles are helping us gain an eternal glory. That eternal glory
is much greater than the troubles. 18So we think about the things we cannot see,
not what we see. The things we see continue only a short time. And the things we
cannot see will continue forever.

Footnotes: Good News The news that God has made a way for people to have their sins
forgiven and live with him forever. The ruler Literally, "The god." Scriptures Holy
Writings--the Old Testament. "I believed ... spoke" Quote from Ps. 116:10.
"Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION © 2001 by World Bible Translation
Center, Inc. and used by permission."

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