September 29
Mark 2:8 New International Version (NIV)
8 Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit
What is you "knower" telling you? God will speak to you through your Spirit. It is something that you will have on the inside of you. You will just know. You may not be able to say "how" you know it. You just know it. To you it will be clear. You will have a confidence on the inside. It may not make any sense to you. In fact normally, any confusion you will have is because your head is trying to cover all the facts. Sometimes you cannot go by the facts. You see, the facts may give you an understanding of the present but the facts do not give you clear information about the future. Too often, we assume that if it was true today it will be true tomorrow. It may be a fact that your business only made $10 today but that may not be a fact tomorrow. You may not know that Channel 9 just interviewed one of your loyal customers and tomorrow you will have your biggest day ever. You can not go by the facts because you do not know ALL the facts and it could be what do not know that will make or break you.
Proverbs 14:12 New International Version (NIV)
12 There is a way that seems right to a man,
but in the end it leads to death.
Now you could have a "knowing" on the inside of you and it was not from God. It takes time and practice to distinguish between "I want" and "God said". The "I want" usually is something you like or that will bring you pleasure. The "I want" will usually gratify or satisfy you. While the "God said" will often be something you do not want or do not like. Normally God needs to work with us on the things we do not want to do. God does not have to encourage us to do the things we like or want to do. Consequently, God usually does not need to talk to us about the things we like or want.
Crucifying the flesh has to do with doing what God asked you to do. You may have to crucify your flesh just to go to Church on Sunday. You are going to Church on Sunday? RIGHT??
Now if you heard in your spirit "You don't have to go to Church. Just lay here and rest for a while." Then you did not hear from God because the Word of God says that we should not forsake the gathering of the saints (that includes you). Alternatively, maybe you heard "Go ahead and take that blouse this store will never miss it". Then you did not hear from God because the Word says that you should not steal. You have to judge what you hear against what the Bible teaches because God will always agree the Bible.
Speak the Word: Father, I listen for that inward knowing. I hear your voice and other voices I will not follow.
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