Friday, November 13, 2009

New Testament in a Year - November 14


Hebrews 5:1 - 5:14- Easy-To-Read Version (ERV)

November 14

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5 Every Jewish high priest* is chosen from among men. That priest is given the
work of helping people with the things they must do for God. That priest must offer
to God gifts and sacrifices* for sins. 2The high priest himself is weak [like all
people]. So he is able to be gentle with those people who don't understand and who
are doing wrong things. 3The high priest offers sacrifices for the sins of the people.
But the high priest has weaknesses himself. So he also must offer sacrifices for
his own sins. 4To be a high priest* is an honor. But no person chooses himself
for this work. That person must be called by God like Aaron* was.

5It is the same with Christ. He did not choose himself to have the glory of becoming
a high priest. But God chose him. God said to Christ, "You are my Son; today I have
become your Father." (Psalm 2:7) 6And in another Scripture* God says, "You will
be a priest forever, the same as Melchizedek.*" (Psalm 110:4) 7While Christ lived
on earth he prayed to God and asked God for help. God is the One who could save
him from death, and Jesus prayed to God with loud cries and tears. And God answered
Jesus' prayers because Jesus was humble and did everything God wanted. 8Jesus was
the Son of God. But Jesus suffered and learned to obey by the things that he suffered.
9Then Jesus was perfect. And Jesus is the reason that all those people who obey
him can have salvation forever. 10And God made Jesus the high priest,* the same
as Melchizedek.*
Warning Against Falling Away
11We have many things to tell you about this. But it is hard to explain because
you have stopped trying to understand. 12You have had enough time that by now you
should be teachers. But you need some person to teach you again the first lessons
of God's teaching. You still need the teaching that is like milk. You are not ready
for solid food. 13Any person who lives on milk is still a baby. That person knows
nothing about right teaching. 14But solid food is for people who have stopped being
like babies. It is for people who are grown-up in their spirits. Those people have
practiced and taught themselves to know the difference between good and evil.

Footnotes: high priest Most important Jewish priest and leader. sacrifice(s) A sacrifice
is a gift or offering to God. Jewish priests killed animals and offered them to
God. Jesus Christ gave his own life as a sacrifice to pay for people's sins. Aaron
The first Jewish high priest. He was Moses' brother. Scripture Part of the Holy
Writings--Old Testament. Melchizedek A priest and king who lived in the time of
Abraham. (Read Gen. 14:17-24.)
"Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION © 2001 by World Bible Translation
Center, Inc. and used by permission."


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