October 13
Joshua 1:8 New International Version (NIV)
8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
The battle starts in your mind. When you get your thoughts under control the rest of you life will just fall into place. When it comes to disciplining your flesh you need to start with your mind. Look at this verse, it holds the key to your victory.
In this verse we see three steps to success Think, Speak, and Do (or take action). When you think about it, everything in life works this way. You think about it, talk about it, and then you do something about it. For example, Carla thought about what she wanted to get at the grocery store. Then she talked with me about what we should get at the store. Finally she went to the grocery store and bought the things we needed for the week.
When you want to change a habit or get control over some area of your life, you will need to take the same three steps. Start by thinking about what the Word promises you. Then start talking about what the Word says. Before you know it, you will find yourself doing what the word says.
That is how I quit smoking. I took a list of scriptures and wrote each verse on 3X5 cards. Three times a day I took the cards out and read them aloud. Then while I was smoking I would read the verses aloud. I would think about those verses during the day. After about 3 weeks, I just stopped smoking. I tossed the cigarettes out have not picked them up since.
Carla's sister did something similar. Every time she smoked a cigarette, she said, "Thank you Jesus, this is the last cigarette that I will ever smoke." It took her about 3 months and she has not smoked since. Do you see a pattern here? Think, speak, and do. You can use it for anything you want to work on.
I am currently in the process of redesigning Free Bible Email. I have spent a lot of time thinking about the changes for the new site. Then I have talked with various people about the new site. I have built portions of the new site. When it is all finished it will have been built by think, speak, and do.
Speak the Word: Father I think about your word, I talk about your word, and I do what the word says I should do. I am succeeding at everything I set my hands to do.
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