Friday, October 30, 2009

New Testament in a Year - October 31


1 Timothy 5:1 - 5:25- Easy-To-Read Version (ERV)

October 31

King James and other versions... []


Some Rules for Living with Other People
5 1Don't speak angrily to an older man. But talk to him like he was your father.
Treat the younger men like brothers. 2Treat the older women like mothers. And treat
the younger women like sisters. Always treat them in a good way.

3Give honor to (take care of) widows* who are really alone. 4But if a widow has
children or grandchildren, the first thing they need to learn is this: to show respect
for their own family [by helping their parents]. When they do this, they will be
repaying their parents or grandparents. That pleases God. 5If a widow is really
alone and without help, then she hopes in God [to take care of her]. That woman
prays all the time, night and day. She asks God for help. 6But the widow who uses
her life to please herself is really dead while she is still living. 7Tell the believers
there to do these things (take care of their family) so that no other person can
say they are doing wrong. 8A person should take care of all his own people. Most
important, he should take care of his own family. If a person does not do that,
then he does not accept the [true] faith (teaching). That person is worse than a
person who does not believe.

9To be added to your list of widows,* a woman must be 60 years old or older. She
must have been faithful to her husband. 10She must be known as a woman who has
done good things. I mean good things like raising her children, accepting visitors
in her home, washing the feet of God's people, helping people in trouble, and using
her life to do all kinds of good things. 11But don't put younger widows* on that
list. When they give themselves to Christ, they are often pulled away from him
by their strong physical needs. Then they want to marry again. 12And they will be
judged for that. They will be judged for not doing what they first promised to do.
13Also, those younger widows begin to waste their time going from house to house.
They also begin to gossip and be busy with other people's lives. They say things
that they should not say. 14So I want the younger widows to marry, have children,
and take care of their homes. If they do this, then our enemy will not have any
reason to criticize them. 15But some of the younger widows have already turned away
to follow Satan (the devil). 16If any woman who is a believer has widows* in her
family, then she* should care for them herself. The church should not be troubled
to care for them. Then the church will be able to care for the widows who have no
living family.

17The elders* who lead the church in a good way should receive great honor. They
should be paid doubly well. This is especially true for those elders who work in
speaking and teaching. 18Why? Because the Scripture* says, "When a work animal is
doing the work of separating grain, don't cover its mouth [and stop it from eating
the grain]."* And the Scripture also says, "A worker should be given his pay."*
19Don't listen to a person who accuses an elder.* You should listen to that person
only if there are two or three other people who can say what the elder did wrong.
20Tell those people who sin that they are wrong. Do this in front of the whole church.
In that way the others will have a warning. 21Before God and Jesus Christ and the
chosen angels I command you to do these things. But don't judge people before you
know the truth. And do these things equally to every person. 22Think carefully before
you put your hands on* any person, [making him an elder]. Don't share in the sins
of other people. Keep yourself pure.

23Timothy, you have been drinking only water. Stop doing that, and drink a little
wine. This will help your stomach, and you will not be sick so often.

24The sins of some people are easy to see. Their sins show that they will be judged.
But the sins of some other people are seen only later. 25It is the same with the
good things people do. The good things people do are easy to see. But even when
those good things are not easy to see, they cannot stay hidden.

Footnotes: widows A widow is a woman whose husband has died. woman ... she Some
Greek copies have: "man or woman ... he/she." elder(s) A group of men chosen to
lead a church. Also called "overseers" and "pastors" (shepherds), they have the
work of caring for God's people (Acts 20:28; Eph. 4:11; Tit. 1:7,9). Scripture Part
of the Holy Writings--God's message to people through the writers of the Bible.
"When a work animal ... grain" Quote from Deut. 25:4. "A worker should be given
his pay" Quote from Lk. 10:7. put your hands on A sign of giving authority or power
to another person.
"Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION © 2001 by World Bible Translation
Center, Inc. and used by permission."


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