October 7
Acts 8:29 New International Version (NIV)
29 The Spirit told Philip, "Go to that chariot and stay near it."
The Holy Spirit will talk with you and let you know the things you need to know. I have never heard the Holy Spirit audibly. I do hearing the Holy Spirit through impressions I have on the inside of me. We talked about your conscience yesterday. Hearing from the Holy Spirit is just like that. It is an impression you have on the inside and you know what it means. Nobody has to tell you that you should not steal that piece of candy. You already know it on the inside. If you steal the candy anyway, after awhile your conscience will stop bothering you. You may even begin to defend your right to take the candy. Do not do it. Listen to your conscience for it is the doorway to hearing from God in a clearer and more powerful way.
When I was dating Carla, I knew that she was the one for me. It was not something I had to make up or force myself to do. It came as natural as waking up. It was as clear as the sound of my voice. I believe it was God speaking to me through the Holy Spirit. I just knew. God will work with you in a similar way. God will speak something to you through the Holy Spirit and you will just know. It may not be obvious to other people. Your friends and relatives may not see it, but you will know it on the inside.
Romans 8:16 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
16 The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God,
When the Holy Spirit testifies with your spirit, you will know on the inside. You know it has been happening to you for a long time already. You may not have recognized where it came from. What we are working on is becoming more sensitive to the Holy Spirit. We want to recognize the subtle things that the Holy Spirit is telling us.
If I stood on a hill with a Tribal man from Africa and looked at a heard of cows the tribal man could tell me which one is pregnant, which one is sick, which one is healthy and much more. The Tribal man has become sensitive to the subtle changes that his cows go through. To me they would all look like cows. Learning to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit is kind of like that. At first, everything seems the same. You cannot tell if God is trying to impress you to call somebody on the telephone or to just go back to sleep. Over time, with practice, you will become increasingly sensitive to the Holy Spirit. You will clearly understand the subtlest impressions from the Holy Spirit. Before you know it, you will be flowing with God in every area of your life.
Speak the Word: Father, I am sensitive the Holy Spirit. I follow your leading and guiding and I will not follow another voice.
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