Acts 17:16-34 - Easy-To-Read Version (ERV)
July 20
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Paul in Athens
16Paul was waiting for Silas and Timothy in Athens. Paul was troubled because he
saw that the city was full of idols.* 17In the synagogue,* Paul talked with the
Jews and the Greeks who worshiped the true God. Paul also talked with some people
in the business area of the city. Paul did this every day. 18Some of the Epicurean
and some of the Stoic philosophers* argued with him. Some of them said, "This man
doesn't really know what he is talking about. What is he trying to say?" Paul was
telling them the Good News about Jesus' rising from death. So they said, "He seems
to be telling us about some other gods." 19They got Paul and took him to a meeting
of the Areopagus council.* They said, "Please explain to us this new idea that you
have been teaching. 20The things that you are saying are new to us. We have never
heard these things before. We want to know what this teaching means." 21(All the
people of Athens and the people from other countries who lived there always used
their time talking about all the newest ideas.)
22Then Paul stood before the meeting of the Areopagus council.* Paul said, "Men
of Athens, I can see that you are very religious in all things. 23I was going through
your city and I saw the things you worship. I found an altar that had these words
written on it: 'TO THE GOD WHO IS NOT KNOWN.' You worship a god that you don't know.
This is the God I am telling you about! 24He is the God who made the whole world
and everything in it. He is the Lord (Ruler) of the land and the sky. He does not
live in temples* that men build! 25This God is the One who gives life, breath, and
everything else to people. He does not need any help from people. God has everything
he needs. 26God began by making one man (Adam). From him God made all the different
people. God made them to live everywhere in the world. God decided exactly when
and where they must live. 27God wanted the people to look for him. Maybe they could
search all around for him and find him. But he is not far from any of us: 28'We
live with him. We walk with him. We are with him.' Some of your own writers have
said: 'For we are his children.' 29That's right. We are God's children. So, you
must not think that God is like something that people imagine or make. He is not
like gold, silver, or rock. 30In the past, people did not understand God, but God
ignored this. But now, God tells every person in the world to change his heart and
life. 31God has decided a day when he will judge all the people in the world. He
will be fair. He will use a man (Jesus) to do this. God chose this man long ago.
And God has proved this to every person; God proved it by raising that man from
32When the people heard about [Jesus] being raised from death, some of them laughed.
The people said, "We will hear more about this from you later." 33Paul went away
from them. 34But some of the people believed Paul and joined him. One of the people
that believed was Dionysius. He was a member of the Areopagus council.* Another
person who believed was a woman named Damaris. There were also some other people
that believed.
Footnotes: idols The false gods that the non-Jewish people worshiped. synagogue(s)
Synagogues were places where Jews gathered for prayer, study of the Scriptures,
and other public meetings. philosophers People who study and talk about their own
ideas and the ideas and teachings of other people. Areopagus council A group of
important leaders in Athens. They were like judges. temples Buildings where people
go to worship.
"Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION © 2001 by World Bible Translation
Center, Inc. and used by permission."
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