June 4
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The Death of Lazarus
11 1There was a man named Lazarus who was sick. He lived in the town of Bethany.
This is the town where Mary and her sister Martha lived. 2(Mary is the same woman
that later put perfume on the Lord (Jesus) and wiped his feet with her hair.) Mary's
brother was Lazarus, the man that was now sick. 3So Mary and Martha sent a person
to tell Jesus, "Lord, your dear friend Lazarus is sick." 4When Jesus heard this
he said, "The end of this sickness will not be death. But this sickness is for the
glory of God. This has happened to bring glory to the Son of God." 5(Jesus loved
Martha and her sister and Lazarus.) 6When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, he
stayed where he was for two more days. 7Then Jesus said to his followers, "We should
go back to Judea." 8The followers answered, "But teacher, the Jews in Judea tried
to kill you with stones. That was only a short time ago. Now you want to go back
there?" 9Jesus answered, "There are twelve hours of light in the day. Right? If
a person walks in the day, then he will not stumble and fall. Why? Because he can
see with the light of this world. 10But when a person walks at night he stumbles.
Why? Because there is no light to help him see." 11After Jesus said these things,
he said, "Our friend Lazarus is now sleeping. But I am going there to wake him."
12The followers answered, "But Lord, if he can sleep, he will be well." 13Jesus
meant that Lazarus was dead. But Jesus' followers thought Jesus meant that Lazarus
was really sleeping. 14So then Jesus said clearly, "Lazarus is dead. 15And I am
glad that I was not there. I am happy for you, because now you will believe [in
me]. We will go to him now." 16Then Thomas (the one called Didymus) said to the
other followers, "We will go too. We will die with Jesus [in Judea]."
Jesus in Bethany
17Jesus arrived in Bethany. Jesus found that Lazarus had already been dead and in
the tomb* for four days. 18Bethany was about two miles from Jerusalem. 19Many Jews
had come to Martha and Mary. The Jews came to comfort Martha and Mary about their
brother [Lazarus]. 20Martha heard that Jesus was coming. She went out to greet Jesus.
But Mary stayed at home. 21Martha said to Jesus, "Lord, if you had been here, my
brother would not have died. 22But I know that even now God will give you anything
you ask." 23Jesus said, "Your brother will rise and be alive again." 24Martha answered,
"I know that he will rise to live again when people are resurrected (raised from
death) on the last day." 25Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection.* I am life.
The person that believes in me will have life [again] after he dies. 26And the person
that lives and believes in me will never really die. Martha, do you believe this?"
27Martha answered, "Yes, Lord. I believe that you are the Christ,* the Son of God.
You are the One that was coming to the world."
tomb A grave dug in a wall of rock. resurrection Being raised from death to live
again. Christ The "anointed one" (Messiah) or chosen one of God.
"Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION © 2001 by World Bible Translation
Center, Inc. and used by permission."
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