April 26
King James and other versions... [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102602948624&s=49466&e=0016ig8a_sA_4ncFQw5pYAzhdy_uPDA1u8iGJs91aESHJrscWAIWuf23BMHEE-_3_jvv395p2ggRYN8jOBxtcagv9xoK6iYJyDtxKmFVyVqk98Q_c6C96hOE-01OgChsju1_f6F-R4_3GrGUQjNphaV3g==]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Don't Cause Sin and Be Ready to Forgive
17Jesus said, "Ten men were healed; where are the other nine? 18This man is not
even a Jew! Is he the only one that came back to give praise to God?" 19Then Jesus
said to the man, "Stand up! You can go. You were healed because you believed."
God's Kingdom Is Inside You
20Some of the Pharisees* asked Jesus, "When will the kingdom of God come?" Jesus
answered, "God's kingdom is coming, but not in a way that you will be able to see
with your eyes. 21People will not say, 'Look, God's kingdom is here!' Or, 'There
it is!' No, God's kingdom is inside you." 22Then Jesus said to his followers, "The
time will come when you will want very much to see one of the days of the Son of
Man,* but you will not be able. 23People will say to you, 'Look, there it is!'
or, 'Look, here it is!' Stay where you are; don't go away and search.
When Jesus Comes Again
24"[You will know it] when the Son of Man* comes again. On the day when he comes
he will shine like lightning flashes across the sky. 25But first, the Son of Man
must suffer many things and be killed by the people of this time. 26It will be the
same when the Son of Man comes again as it was when Noah lived. 27In the time of
Noah, people were eating, drinking, and getting married even on the day when Noah
entered the boat. Then the flood came and killed all the people. 28It will be the
same as during the time of Lot when God destroyed Sodom.* Those people were eating,
drinking, buying, selling, planting, and building houses for themselves. 29The people
were doing these things even on the day when Lot left town. Then fire rained down
from the sky and killed them all. 30This is exactly how it will be when the Son
of Man comes again. 31"On that day, if a man is on his roof, he will not have time
to go inside and get his things. If a man is in the field, he cannot go back home.
32Remember what happened to Lot's wife* ? 33The person that tries to save his life
will lose it. But the person that gives his life away will save it. 34At the time
when I come again, there may be two people sleeping in one room. One person will
be taken and the other person will be left. 35There may be two women working together.
One woman will be taken and the other woman will be left." 36* 37The followers asked
Jesus, "Where will this be, Lord?" Jesus answered, "People can always find a dead
body by looking for the vultures.* "
Footnotes: Pharisees The Pharisees were a Jewish religious group that claimed to
follow carefully all Jewish laws and customs. Son of Man A name Jesus used for
himself. In Dan. 7:13-14, this is the name for the Messiah, the one God chose to
save his people. Sodom A town where very bad people lived. God punished them by
destroying their city. Lot's wife The story about what happened to Lot's wife is
found in Gen. 19:15-17, 26. Verse 36 A few Greek copies of Luke add verse 36: "Two
men will be in the same field. One man will be taken, but the other man will be
left behind." vultures Or, "eagles"--birds that eat dead animals.
"Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION © 2001 by World Bible Translation
Center, Inc. and used by permission."
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