February 23
King James and other versions... [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102481590466&s=49466&e=001KhGqEntbrdmrqiWCV3s4KBAuf2ZEtg6ZwfhR2JB2WikmGwUbt-iN88qZO39pavKE3AuEOvrDrdLRgKsTgIffwqR9KSczotzzBWwPoQVvCqFwipS5rM7P4qJu84JVFiFtUHLrOzX4qOk=]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Some Say Jesus Has a Devil in Him
20Then Jesus went home. But again many people gathered there. There were so many
people that Jesus and his followers could not eat. 21Jesus' family heard about
all these things. They went to get him because people said that Jesus was crazy.
22And the teachers of the law from Jerusalem said, "Beelzebul (the devil) is living
inside him (Jesus)! He uses power from the ruler of demons* to force demons out
of people." 23So Jesus called the people together and used stories to teach the
people. Jesus said, "Satan will not force his own demons* out of people. 24A kingdom
that fights against itself cannot continue. 25And a family that is divided cannot
succeed. 26And if Satan is against himself and fights against his own people, then
he cannot continue. That would be the end of Satan. 27If a person wants to enter
a strong man's house and steal his things, first the person must tie the strong
man. Then the person can steal the things from the strong man's house. 28I tell
you the truth. All sins that people do can be forgiven. And all the bad things
people say against God can be forgiven. 29But any person that says bad things against
(refuses to accept) the Holy Spirit* will never be forgiven. He will always be guilty
of that sin." 30Jesus said this because the teachers of the law said that Jesus
had an evil spirit (devil) inside him.
Jesus' Followers Are His True Family
31Then Jesus' mother and brothers came. They stood outside and sent a person in
to tell Jesus to come out. 32Many people were sitting around Jesus. They said to
him, "Your mother and brothers are waiting for you outside." 33Jesus asked, "Who
is my mother? Who are my brothers?" 34Then Jesus looked at those people sitting
around him. He said, "These people are my mother and my brothers! 35My true brother
and sister and mother are those people that do the things God wants."
Footnotes: demon(s) Demons are evil spirits from the devil. Holy Spirit Also called
the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, and the Comforter. Joined with God and
Christ, he does God's work among people in the world.
"Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION © 2001 by World Bible Translation
Center, Inc. and used by permission."
Other Links:
Old Testament in a Year: Today's
Reading [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102481590466&s=49466&e=001KhGqEntbrdkLHXRbajvuGCfPsbuXQqIE5cIgE_xQaUYd0gLVs40Z_JYdfrui2Mt-54irTlPUb0xEUSCXG_NFUqspCtP7WaWNhaLBtlKH6EKzbXn4IVykpkb2IxXeiex7wwRSXEQG_ts=]| Online Bible Lessons [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102481590466&s=49466&e=001KhGqEntbrdls9Wu8IcFNizQu0DG18Qp1zJA64u7LiKioEgQlhkk3fYWNVQtngIBf0WgrbLC9EJF7I-BuAHTGfENEj11dXJWuPl433sL1VWU=]| Gift Shop [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102481590466&s=49466&e=001KhGqEntbrdkeiQl1XeFaNDftnsJvGltfW8otiGwAJIw-FClYxcJjqZ7vmZtAggG2yFXuJTEnDXeA29r_4LmcONm_Wp6Ht2mbFwPa21NBLEOc2yC-mU9o-A==]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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