Sunday, February 28, 2010

New Testament in a Year - March 1

Mark 6:30 - 6:56- Easy-To-Read Version (ERV)

March 1

King James and other versions... []~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Jesus Feeds More than 5,000 People

30The apostles* [that Jesus sent out] came back to Jesus. They gathered around Jesus
and told him about all the things they did and taught. 31Jesus and his followers
were in a very busy place. There were many, many people. Jesus and his followers
did not even have time to eat. Jesus said to his followers, "Come with me. We will
go to a quiet place to be alone. There we will get some rest." 32So Jesus and his
followers went away alone. They went in a boat to a place where there were no people.
33But many people saw them leave. The people knew it was Jesus. So people from all
the towns ran to the place where Jesus was going. The people were there before Jesus
arrived. 34When Jesus arrived there, he saw many people waiting. Jesus felt sorry
for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd [to care for them]. So
Jesus taught the people many things. 35It was now late in the day. So Jesus' followers
came to him. They said, "No people live in this place. And it is already very late.
36So send the people away. They need to go to the farms and towns around here to
buy some food to eat." 37But Jesus answered, "You give them some food to eat."
The followers said to Jesus, "We can't buy enough bread to feed all these people!
We would all have to work a month to earn enough money to buy that much bread!"
38Jesus asked the followers, "How many loaves of bread do you have now? Go and see."
The followers counted their loaves of bread. They came to Jesus and said, "We have
five loaves of bread and two fish." 39Then Jesus said to the followers, "Tell all
the people to sit in groups on the green grass." 40So all the people sat in groups.
There were about 50 or 100 people in each group. 41Jesus took the five loaves and
two fish. He looked up to the sky and thanked God for the bread. Then Jesus divided
the bread and gave it to his followers. Jesus told his followers to give the bread
to the people. Then Jesus divided the two fish and gave the fish to the people.
42All the people ate and were full. 43After the people finished eating, the followers
filled twelve baskets with the pieces of bread and fish that were not eaten. 44There
were about 5,000 men there that ate.

Jesus Walks on the Water

45Then Jesus told the followers to get into the boat. Jesus told them to go to the
other side of the lake to Bethsaida. Jesus said that he would come later. Jesus
stayed there to tell the people they could go home. 46After Jesus said good-bye
to the people, he went into the hills to pray. 47That night, the boat was still
in the middle of the lake. Jesus was alone on the land. 48Jesus saw the boat far
away on the lake. He saw the followers working hard to row the boat. The wind was
blowing against them. Sometime between three and six o'clock in the morning, Jesus
went to the boat. Jesus was walking on the water. Jesus continued walking until
he was almost past the boat. 49But the followers saw Jesus walking on the water.
They thought he was a ghost. The followers shouted with fear. 50All the followers
saw Jesus and were very afraid. But Jesus spoke to the followers and said, "Don't
worry! It's me! Don't be afraid." 51Then Jesus got into the boat with the followers.
And the wind became calm. The followers were completely amazed. 52They had seen
Jesus make more bread from the five loaves. But they did not understand what it
meant. They were not able to understand it.

Jesus Heals Many People

53Jesus and his followers went across the lake. They came to shore at Gennesaret.
They tied the boat there. 54When they were out of the boat, the people saw Jesus.
They knew who he was. 55The people ran [to tell other people] everywhere in that
area [that Jesus was there]. The people brought sick people on beds to every place
Jesus went. 56Jesus went into towns and cities and farms around that area. And every
place Jesus went, the people brought sick people to the market places. They begged
Jesus to let them touch any part of his coat. And all the people that touched him
were healed.

Footnotes: apostles The men Jesus chose to be his special helpers.

"Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION © 2001 by World Bible Translation
Center, Inc. and used by permission."


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ThoughtForDay - March 1 []

March 1

Quick Thought:

"Now consider this, you who forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be
none to deliver: Whoever offers praise glorifies Me; and to him who orders his conduct
aright I will show the salvation of God." Psalm 50:22-23 (NKJ)

Matthew 14:22-33
And immediately He (Jesus) made the disciples get into the boat, and go ahead of
Him to the other side, while He sent the multitudes away. And after He had sent
the multitudes away, He went up to the mountain by Himself to pray; and when it
was evening, He was there alone. But the boat was already many stadia away from
the land, battered by the waves; for the wind was contrary.

And in the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea. And when
the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were frightened, saying, "It is a
ghost!" And they cried out for fear.

But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, "Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid."
And Peter answered Him and said, "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You
on the water." And He said, "Come!" And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on
the water and came toward Jesus. But seeing the wind, he became afraid, and beginning
to sink, he cried out, saying, "Lord, save me!"

And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him,
"O you of little faith, why did you doubt? And when they got into the boat, the
wind stopped. And those who were in the boat worshiped Him, saying, "You are certainly
God's Son!" Matthew 14:22-33 (NAS)

Ecclesiastes 3:10-11
I have seen the task which God has given the sons of men with which to occupy themselves.
He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their
heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning
even to the end. Ecclesiastes 3:10-11 (NAS)

Today's Suggested Bible Reading:

Read the Bible in a Year:
New Testament -- Mark 6:30 - 6:56.

Old Testament -- Numbers 5 - 6.
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Daily Bread for February 28

My son, don't make
yourself responsible
for another person's debts. Don't make
such deals with friends or with strangers. If
you do, then you will be trapped. And you
will have trapped yourself with your own
words! You
are under that person's power.
So go to him and free yourself. Beg that
person to free you from his debt. Don't
wait to rest or sleep. Escape
from that trap
like a deer running from a hunter. Free
yourself like a bird flying out of a trap. Proverbs 6:1-5 (ERV)

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

ThoughtForWeek - 4th Sunday in February

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4th Sunday in February

Mark 4:35-41
And on that day, when evening had come, He (Jesus) said to them, "Let us go over
to the other side." And leaving the multitude, they took Him along with them, just
as He was, in the boat; and other boats were with Him.
And there arose a fierce gale of wind, and the waves were breaking over the boat
so much that the boat was already filling up. And He Himself was in the stern,
asleep on the cushion; and they awoke Him and said to Him,
"Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?"
And being aroused, He rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Hush, be still." And
the wind died down and it became perfectly calm. And He said to them, "Why are you
so timid? How is it that you have no faith?"
And they became very much afraid and said to one another, "Who then is this, that
even the wind and the sea obey Him?" Mark 4:35-41 (NAS)


When the fierce gale of wind arose while Jesus and His disciples were on the boat,
how did the disciples react? Jesus asked them: Why are you so t______?

How is it that you have no f_____?

Do you have faith that Jesus can calm the wind and the sea...and the storms of life?

Suggested Bible Reading for Month:

February 1-7:New Testament -- Matthew 21:1 - Matthew 24:28. Old Testament -- Exodus
17 - Exodus 31.

February 8-14: New Testament -- Matthew 24:29 - Matthew 26:75. Old Testament --
Exodus 32 - Leviticus 6.
February 15-21: New Testament -- Matthew 27:1 - Mark 2:28. Old Testament -- Leviticus
7 - Leviticus 19.
February 22-28: New Testament -- Mark 3:1 - Mark 6:29. Old Testament -- Leviticus
20 - Numbers 4.

Easy-to-Read Version:

That day, at evening, Jesus said to his followers, "Come with me across the lake."
Jesus and the followers left the people there. They went in the same boat that Jesus
was already sitting in. There were also other boats with them.

A very bad wind came on the lake. The waves were coming over the sides and into
the boat. The boat was almost full of water. Jesus was inside the boat, sleeping
with his head on a pillow. The followers went to him and woke him. They said, "Teacher,
do you care about us? We will drown!"

Jesus stood up and commanded the wind and the waves to stop. Jesus said, "Quiet!
Be still!" Then the wind stopped and the lake became calm. Jesus said to his followers,
"Why are you afraid? You still have no faith?"
The followers were very afraid and asked each other, "What kind of man is this?
Even the wind and the water obey him!" Mark 4:35-41 (ERV)

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New Testament in a Year - February 28

Mark 6:1 - 6:29- Easy-To-Read Version (ERV)

February 28

King James and other versions... []~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Jesus Goes to His Home Town

6 1Jesus left there and went back to his home town. His followers went with him.
2On the Sabbath day* Jesus taught in the synagogue.* Many people heard him teach
and were amazed. These people said, "Where did this man get this teaching? How did
he get this wisdom? Who gave it to him? And where did he get the power to do miracles*
? [Surely, not from God!] 3He is only the carpenter. And his mother is Mary. He
is the brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon. And his sisters are here with
us." The people did not accept Jesus. 4Jesus said to the people, "Other people give
honor to a prophet.* But in his own town with his own people and in his own home,
a prophet does not get honor." 5Jesus was not able to do many miracles* in that
town. The only miracles he did were to heal some sick people by putting his hands
on them. 6Jesus was very surprised because those people did not have faith. Then
Jesus went to other villages in that area and taught.

Jesus Sends His Apostles on a Mission

7Jesus called the twelve followers together. Jesus sent them out in groups of two.
Jesus gave them power over evil spirits. 8This is what Jesus told his followers:
"Take nothing for your trip. Take only a stick for walking. Take no bread, no bag,
and no money in your pockets. 9Wear shoes, and take only the clothes you are wearing.
10When you enter a house, stay in that house until you leave that town. 11If any
town refuses to accept you or refuses to listen to you, then leave that town. Shake
their dust off your feet.* This will be a warning to them." 12The followers left
there and went to other places. They talked to the people and told them to change
their hearts and lives. 13The followers forced many demons* out of people. And the
followers put olive oil on* sick people and healed them.

Herod Thinks Jesus Is John the Baptizer

14King Herod* heard about Jesus, because Jesus was now famous. Some people said,
"[He (Jesus) is] John the Baptizer. He is risen from death. That is why he can
do these miracles.* " 15Other people said, "He is Elijah.* " Other people said,
"Jesus is a prophet.* He is like the prophets that lived long ago." 16Herod* heard
these things about Jesus. He said, "I killed John by cutting off his head. Now John
has been raised from death!"

How John the Baptizer Was Killed

17Herod* himself had ordered his soldiers to arrest John. So John was put into prison.
Herod did this to please his wife, Herodias. Herodias was the wife of Philip, Herod's
brother. But then Herod married Herodias. 18John told Herod that it was not right
for him to be married to his brother's wife. 19So Herodias hated John. She wanted
to kill him. But Herodias was not able to persuade Herod to kill John. 20Herod was
afraid to kill John. Herod knew that all the people thought John was a good and
holy man. So Herod protected John. Herod enjoyed listening to John preach. But John's
message always bothered Herod. 21Then the right time came for Herodias to cause
John's death. It happened on Herod's* birthday. Herod gave a dinner party for the
most important government leaders, the commanders of his army, and the most important
people in Galilee. 22The daughter of Herodias came to the party and danced. When
she danced, Herod and the people eating with him were very pleased. So King Herod*
said to the girl, "I will give you anything you want." 23Herod promised her, "Anything
you ask for I will give to you. I will even give you half of my kingdom." 24The
girl went to her mother and asked, "What should I ask King Herod* to give me?" Her
mother answered, "Ask for the head of John the Baptizer." 25Quickly the girl went
back in to the king. The girl said to the king, "Please give me the head of John
the Baptizer. Bring it to me now on a plate." 26King Herod* was very sad. But he
had promised to give the girl anything she wanted. And the people eating there with
Herod heard his promise. So Herod did not want to refuse the thing she asked for.
27So the king sent a soldier to cut off John's head and bring it. So the soldier
went and cut off John's head in the prison. 28Then the soldier brought John's head
back on a plate. He gave the head to the girl. Then the girl gave the head to her
mother. 29John's followers heard about what happened. So they came and got John's
body. They put it in a tomb* (grave).

Footnotes: Sabbath day The seventh day of the Jewish week. It was a special religious
day for the Jews. synagogue(s) Synagogues were places where Jews gathered for prayer,
study of the Scriptures, and other public meetings. miracle(s) Amazing works done
by God's power. prophet A person that spoke for God. Shake their dust off your feet
A warning. It would show that they were finished talking to these people. demon(s)
Demons are evil spirits from the devil. put olive oil on Olive oil was used like
a medicine. Herod Herod Antipas, tetrarch (ruler) of Galilee and Perea, son of
Herod the Great. Elijah A man that spoke for God about 850 B.C. tomb A grave dug
in a wall of rock.

"Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION © 2001 by World Bible Translation
Center, Inc. and used by permission."


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ThoughtForDay - February 28 []

February 28

Quick Thought:

Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of
Christ. But we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that
you withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly and not according to the tradition
which he received from us. II Thessalonians 3:5-6 (NKJ)

Matthew 14:14-21
And when He (Jesus) went ashore, He saw a great multitude, and felt compassion for
them, and healed their sick.

And when it was evening, the disciples came to Him, saying, "The place is desolate,
and the time is already past; so send the multitudes away, that they may go into
the villages and buy food for themselves. But Jesus said to them, "They do not
need to go away; you give them something to eat!" And they said to Him, "We have
here only five loaves and two fish." And He said, "Bring them here to Me."

And ordering the multitudes to recline on the grass, He took the five loaves and
the two fish, and looking up toward heaven, He blessed the food, and breaking the
loaves He gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave to the multitudes,
and they all ate, and were satisfied. And they picked up what was left over of the
broken pieces, twelve full baskets.

And there were about five thousand men who ate, aside from women and children. Matthew
14:14-21 (NAS)

Psalm 139:1-7
O LORD, Thou hast searched me and known me. Thou dost know when I sit down and when
I rise up; Thou dost understand my thought from afar.

Thou dost scrutinize my path and my lying down, and art intimately acquainted with
all my ways. Even before there is a word on my tongue, behold, O LORD, Thou dost
know it all.

Thou hast enclosed me behind and before, and laid Thy hand upon me. Such knowledge
is too wonderful for me; it is too high, I cannot attain to it. Where can I go from
Thy Spirit? Or where can I flee from Thy presence? Psalm 139:1-7 (NAS)

Today's Suggested Bible Reading:

Read the Bible in a Year:
New Testament -- Mark 6:1 - 6:29.

Old Testament -- Numbers 3 - 4.
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Daily Bread for February 27

sins of
an evil person will trap him. His sins will be
like ropes holding him. That
evil person will
die because he refused to be disciplined. He
will be trapped by his own desires. Proverbs 5:22-23 (ERV)

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Friday, February 26, 2010

New Testament in a Year - February 27

Mark 5:21 - 5:43- Easy-To-Read Version (ERV)

February 27

King James and other versions... []~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Jesus Gives Life to a Dead Girl and Heals a Sick Woman

21Jesus went in the boat back across to the other side of the lake. There, many
people gathered around him by the lake. 22A leader of the synagogue* came to that
place. His name was Jairus. Jairus saw Jesus and bowed down before him. 23Jairus
begged and begged Jesus. He said, "My little daughter is dying. Please come and
put your hands on her. Then she will be healed and will live." 24So Jesus went
with Jairus. Many people followed Jesus. They were pushing very close around him.
25A woman was there among the people. This woman had been bleeding for the past
twelve years. 26The woman suffered very much. Many doctors tried to help her. All
the money she had was spent. But she was not improving. Her sickness was becoming
worse. 27The woman heard about Jesus. So she followed Jesus with the people and
touched his coat. 28The woman thought, "If I can touch his clothes, that will be
enough to heal me." 29When the woman touched his coat, her bleeding stopped. The
woman felt that her body was healed from the suffering. 30And Jesus felt power go
out from him. So he stopped and turned around. Then he asked, "Who touched my clothes?"
31The followers said to Jesus, "There are many people pushing against you. But you
ask, 'Who touched me?'" 32But Jesus continued looking for the person that touched
him. 33The woman knew that she was healed. So she came and bowed at Jesus' feet.
The woman was shaking with fear. She told Jesus the whole story. 34Jesus said to
the woman, "Dear woman, you are made well because you believed. Go in peace. You
will have no more suffering." 35Jesus was still there speaking. Some men came from
the house of Jairus, the synagogue* leader. The men said, "Your daughter is dead.
There is now no need to bother the teacher (Jesus)." 36But Jesus did not care what
the men said. Jesus said to the synagogue leader, "Don't be afraid; only believe."
37Jesus let only Peter, James, and John the brother of James go with him. 38Jesus
and these followers went to the house of Jairus, the synagogue* leader. Jesus saw
many people there crying loudly. There was much confusion. 39Jesus entered the house
and said to the people, "Why are you people crying and making so much noise? This
child is not dead. She is only sleeping." 40But all the people laughed at Jesus.
Jesus told the people to leave the house. Then Jesus went into the room where the
child was. He brought the child's father and mother and his three followers into
the room with him. 41Then Jesus held the girl's hand and said to her, "Talitha,
koum!" (This means, "Little girl, I tell you to stand up!") 42The girl stood up
and began walking. (The girl was twelve years old.) The father and mother and the
followers were amazed. 43Jesus gave the father and mother very strict orders not
to tell people about this. Then Jesus told them to give the girl some food to eat.
synagogue(s) Synagogues were places where Jews gathered for prayer, study of the

Scriptures, and other public meetings.

"Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION © 2001 by World Bible Translation
Center, Inc. and used by permission."


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ThoughtForDay - February 27 []

February 27

Quick Thought:

"Offer to God thanksgiving, and pay your vows to the Most High. Call upon Me in
the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me." Psalm 50:14-15

Matthew 14:1-13
At that time Herod the tetrarch heard the news about Jesus, and said to his servants,
"This is John the Baptist; he has risen from the dead; and that is why miraculous
powers are at work in him."

For when Herod had John arrested, he bound him, and put him in prison on account
of Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip. For John had been saying to him, "It
is not lawful for you to have her." And although he wanted to put him to death,
he feared the multitude, because they regarded him as a prophet.

But when Herod's birthday came, the daughter of Herodias danced before them and
pleased Herod. Thereupon he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked.
And having been prompted by her mother, she said, "Give me here on a platter the
head of John the Baptist." And although he was grieved, the king commanded it to
be given because of his oaths, and because of his dinner guests. And he sent and
had John beheaded in the prison. And his head was brought on a platter and given
to the girl; and she brought it to her mother.

And his disciples came and took away the body and buried it; and they went and reported
to Jesus. Now when Jesus heard it, He withdrew from there in a boat, to a lonely
place by Himself; and when the multitudes heard of this, they followed Him on foot
from the cities. Matthew 14:1-13 (NAS)

Matthew 5:34-37
"But I say to you, make no oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of
God, or by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet, or by Jerusalem, for
it is the city of the great King. Nor shall you make an oath by your head, for you
cannot make one hair white or black. But let your statement be, 'Yes, yes' or 'No,
no'; and anything beyond these is of evil." Matthew 5:34-37 (NAS)

Today's Suggested Bible Reading:

Read the Bible in a Year:
New Testament -- Mark 5:21 - 5:43.

Old Testament -- Numbers 1 - 2.
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Daily Bread for February 26

The Lord clearly
sees everything you do.
The Lord watches where you go. Proverbs 5:21 (ERV)

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

New Testament in a Year - February 26

Mark 5:1 - 5:20- Easy-To-Read Version (ERV)

February 26

King James and other versions... []~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Jesus Frees a Man from Evil Spirits

5 1Jesus and his followers went across the lake to the area where the Gerasene people
lived. 2When Jesus got out of the boat, a man came to him from the caves where dead
people are buried. This man had an evil spirit [from the devil] living inside of
him. 3This man lived in the burial caves. No person could tie him. Even chains
could not keep this man tied. 4Many times people had used chains to tie the man's
hands and feet. But the man broke the chains on his hands and feet. No person was
strong enough to control him. 5Day and night the man walked around the burial caves
and on the hills. The man would scream and cut himself with rocks. 6While Jesus
was far away, the man saw him. The man ran to Jesus and bowed down before him. 7-8Jesus
said to the man, "You evil spirit, come out of that man." So the man shouted with
a loud voice, "What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg
you to promise to God that you will not punish me!" 9Then Jesus asked the man, "What
is your name?" The man answered, "My name is Legion,* because there are many spirits
inside me." 10The spirits inside the man begged Jesus again and again not to send
them out of that area. 11A large herd of pigs was eating on a hill near there. 12The
evil spirits begged Jesus, "Send us to the pigs. Let us go into them." 13So Jesus
allowed them to do this. The evil spirits left the man and went into the pigs. Then
the herd of pigs ran down the hill and into the lake. All the pigs were drowned.
There were about 2,000 pigs in that herd. 14The men that had the work of caring
for the pigs ran away. The men ran to the town and to the farms. They told all
the people what happened. The people went out to see what happened. 15The people
came to Jesus. They saw the man that had the many evil spirits. The man was sitting
and was wearing clothes. His mind was right again. The people were afraid. 16Some
people were there and saw what Jesus did. These people told the other people what
happened to the man that had the demons* living in him. And they also told about
the pigs. 17Then the people began to beg Jesus to leave their area. 18Jesus was
preparing to leave in the boat. The man that was freed from the demons begged to
go with Jesus. 19But Jesus did not allow the man to go. Jesus said, "Go home to
your family and friends. Tell them about all the things the Lord did for you. Tell
them that the Lord was good to you." 20So the man left and told the people in the
Ten Towns* about the great things Jesus did for him. All the people were amazed.

Legion This name means very many. A legion was about 5,000 men in the Roman army.
demon(s) Demons are evil spirits from the devil. Ten Towns Greek, "Decapolis," an
area on the east side of Lake Galilee. It once had ten main towns.

"Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION © 2001 by World Bible Translation
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ThoughtForDay - February 26 []

February 26

Quick Thought:

But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you (the followers of
Jesus) from the evil one. II Thessalonians 3:3 (NKJ)

Matthew 13:52-58
And He (Jesus) said to them, "Therefore every scribe who has become a disciple of
the kingdom of heaven is like a head of a household, who brings forth out of his
treasure things new and old."

And it came about that when Jesus had finished these parables, He departed from
there. And coming to His home town He began teaching them in their synagogue, so
that they became astonished, and said, "Where did this man get this wisdom, and
these miraculous powers?

"Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called Mary, and His brothers,
James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? "And His sisters, are they not all with us?
Where then did this man get all these things?"

And they took offense at Him. But Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without
honor except in his home town, and in his own household." And He did not do many
miracles there because of their unbelief. Matthew 13:52-58 (NAS)

Psalm 117:2
For His lovingkindness is great toward us, and the truth of the LORD is everlasting.
Praise the LORD! Psalm 117:2 (NAS)

Today's Suggested Bible Reading:

Read the Bible in a Year:
New Testament -- Mark 5:1 - 5:20.

Old Testament -- Leviticus 27.
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Daily Bread for February 25

be happy with your own wife. Enjoy the
woman you married while you were young. She is like a
beautiful deer, a lovely fawn.
Let her love satisfy you completely. Let her
love intoxicate you always. But
don't go
staggering into the arms of another woman! Proverbs 5:18-20 (ERV)

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Testament in a Year - February 25

Mark 4:26 - 4:41- Easy-To-Read Version (ERV)

February 25

King James and other versions... []~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Jesus Uses a Story About Seed

26Then Jesus said, "The kingdom of God is like a man that plants seed in the ground.
27The seed begins to grow. It grows night and day. It is not important if the man
is sleeping or awake; the seed still grows. The man does not know how the seed grows.
28Without any help, the ground grows grain. First the plant grows, then the head,
and then all the grain in the head. 29When the grain is ready, the man cuts it.
This is the harvest time."

The Kingdom Is Like a Mustard Seed

30Then Jesus said, "What can I use to show you what the kingdom of God is like?
What story can I use to explain it? 31The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed.
The mustard seed is the smallest seed that you plant in the ground. 32But when
you plant this seed, it grows and becomes the largest of all the plants in your
garden. It has branches that are very big. The wild birds can come and make nests
there and be protected from the sun." 33Jesus used many stories like these to teach
them. He taught them all that they could understand. 34Jesus always used stories
to teach the people. But when Jesus and his followers were alone together, Jesus
explained everything to them.

Jesus Stops a Storm

35That day, at evening, Jesus said to his followers, "Come with me across the lake."
36Jesus and the followers left the people there. They went in the same boat that
Jesus was already sitting in. There were also other boats with them. 37A very bad
wind came on the lake. The waves were coming over the sides and into the boat. The
boat was almost full of water. 38Jesus was inside the boat, sleeping with his head
on a pillow. The followers went to him and woke him. They said, "Teacher, do you
care about us? We will drown!" 39Jesus stood up and commanded the wind and the
waves to stop. Jesus said, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind stopped and the lake
became calm. 40Jesus said to his followers, "Why are you afraid? You still have
no faith?" 41The followers were very afraid and asked each other, "What kind of
man is this? Even the wind and the water obey him!"

"Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION © 2001 by World Bible Translation
Center, Inc. and used by permission."


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ThoughtForDay - February 25 []

February 25

Quick Thought:

"Gather My (the Lord's) saints together to Me, those who have made a covenant with
Me by sacrifice." Let the heavens declare His righteousness, for God Himself is
Judge. Psalm 50:5-6 (NKJ)

Matthew 13:47-51
"Again (Jesus said), the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet cast into the sea,
and gathering fish of every kind; and when it was filled, they drew it up on the
beach; and they sat down, and gathered the good fish into containers, but the bad
they threw away.

"So it will be at the end of the age; the angels shall come forth, and take out
the wicked from among the righteous, and will cast them into the furnace of fire;
there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

"Have you understood all these things?" They said to Him, "Yes." Matthew 13:47-51
(Jesus speaking to His disciples -- NAS)

Psalm 73:26-28
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion

For, behold, those who are far from Thee will perish; Thou hast destroyed all those
who are unfaithful to Thee.

But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge,
that I may tell of all Thy works. Psalm 73:26-28 (NAS)

Today's Suggested Bible Reading:

Read the Bible in a Year:
New Testament -- Mark 4:26 - 4:41.

Old Testament -- Leviticus 26.
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Daily Bread for February 24

Drink only the
water that flows from
your own well. And don't let your water flow
out into the streets. You
must have sexual
relations only with your own wife.

become the father of children outside your
own home. Your
children should belong
only to you. You should not have to share
them with people out of your own home. Proverbs 5:15-17 (ERV)

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Testament in a Year - February 24

Mark 4:1 - 4:25- Easy-To-Read Version (ERV)

February 24

King James and other versions... []~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Story About a Farmer Planting Seed

4 1Another time Jesus began teaching by the lake. Many, many people gathered around
Jesus. So Jesus got into a boat and went out on the lake. All the people stayed
on the shore next to the water. 2Jesus taught the people from the boat. Jesus used
many stories to teach them. He said, 3"Listen! A farmer went out to plant his seed.
4While the farmer was planting, some seed fell by the road. The birds came and ate
all that seed. 5Some seed fell on rocky ground. The ground there did not have enough
dirt. The seed grew very fast there because the ground was not deep. 6But the sun
rose and the plants were burned. The plants died because they did not have deep
roots. 7Some other seed fell among thorny weeds. The weeds grew and stopped the
good plants from growing. So those plants did not make grain. 8Some other seed fell
on good ground. In the good ground, the seed began to grow. It grew and made grain.
Some plants had 30 grains, other plants had 60 grains, and some had 100 grains."
9Then Jesus said, "You people that hear me, listen!"

Jesus Tells Why He Used Stories

10Later, Jesus was away from the people. The twelve apostles* and Jesus' other followers
asked him about the stories. 11Jesus said, "Only you can know the secret truth about
the kingdom of God. But to those other people I tell everything by using stories.
12I do this so that: 'They will look and look, but never really see; they will listen
and listen, but never understand. If they saw and understood, they might change
and be forgiven.'"

(Isaiah 6:9-10)

Jesus Explains the Story About the Seed

13Then Jesus said to the followers, "Do you understand this story? If you don't,
then how will you understand any story? 14The farmer is like a person that plants
God's teaching in people. 15Sometimes the teaching falls on the path. This is like
some people. Those people hear the teaching of God. But Satan (the devil) comes
and takes away the teaching that was planted in them. 16Other people are like the
seed planted on rocky ground. They hear the teaching and quickly and gladly accept
it. 17But those people don't allow the teaching to go deep into their lives. They
keep that teaching only a short time. When trouble or persecution* comes because
of the teaching they accepted, they quickly quit. 18Other people are like the seed
planted among the thorny weeds. These people hear the teaching. 19But then these
things come into their lives: the worries of this life, the love of money, and
wanting all kinds of other things. These things stop the teaching from growing.
So that teaching does not make fruit* [in the lives of those people]. 20Other people
are like the seed planted on the good ground. They hear the teaching and accept
it. Then they grow and make fruit--sometimes 30 times more, sometimes 60 times more,
and sometimes 100 times more."

You Must Use What You Have

21Then Jesus said to them, "Do you take a lamp and hide it under a bowl or under
a bed? No! You put the lamp on a lamp table. 22Everything that is hidden will be
made clear. Every secret thing will be made known. 23You people that hear me, listen!
24"Think carefully about the things you hear. The way you give is the way God will
give to you. But God will give you more than you give. 25The person that has [something]
will receive more. But the person that does not have [much] will lose even the little
amount he has."

Footnotes: apostles The men Jesus chose to be his special helpers. persecution(s)
Being hurt or bothered by Christ's enemies. fruit The good things God wants his
people to do.

"Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION © 2001 by World Bible Translation
Center, Inc. and used by permission."


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ThoughtForDay - February 24 []

February 24

Quick Thought:

The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power,
signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish,
because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And
for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the
lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure
in unrighteousness. II Thessalonians 2:9- 12 (NKJ)

Matthew 13:44-46
"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found
and hid; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has, and buys that

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding
one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had, and bought it." Matthew
13:44-46 (NAS)

1 Chronicles 28:20
Then David said to his son Solomon, "Be strong and courageous, and act; do not fear
nor be dismayed, for the LORD God, my God, is with you.

"He will not fail you nor forsake you until all the work for the service of the
house of the LORD is finished." 1 Chronicles 28:20 (NAS)

Today's Suggested Bible Reading:

Read the Bible in a Year:
New Testament -- Mark 4:1 - 4:25.

Old Testament -- Leviticus 24 - 25.
Read Online at: []

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Daily Bread for February 23

Now my sons,
listen to me. Don't forget
the words I say. Stay
away from the woman
who does the sin of adultery. Don't even go
near the door of her house. If
you do, then
other people will get the honor you should
have had. And some stranger will get all the
things you worked years to get. People
don't know will take all your wealth. Other
people will get the things you worked for.

At the end of
your life, you will be sad that
you ruined your health and lost everything
you had. Then
you will say, "Why didn't
I listen to my parents? Why didn't I listen to
my teachers? I refused to be disciplined. I
refused to be corrected. So
now I have
suffered through almost every kind of trouble
people can have-and everyone knows it!" Proverbs 5:7-14 (ERV)

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Monday, February 22, 2010

New Testament in a Year - February 23

Mark 3:20 - 3:35- Easy-To-Read Version (ERV)

February 23

King James and other versions... []~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Some Say Jesus Has a Devil in Him

20Then Jesus went home. But again many people gathered there. There were so many
people that Jesus and his followers could not eat. 21Jesus' family heard about
all these things. They went to get him because people said that Jesus was crazy.
22And the teachers of the law from Jerusalem said, "Beelzebul (the devil) is living
inside him (Jesus)! He uses power from the ruler of demons* to force demons out
of people." 23So Jesus called the people together and used stories to teach the
people. Jesus said, "Satan will not force his own demons* out of people. 24A kingdom
that fights against itself cannot continue. 25And a family that is divided cannot
succeed. 26And if Satan is against himself and fights against his own people, then
he cannot continue. That would be the end of Satan. 27If a person wants to enter
a strong man's house and steal his things, first the person must tie the strong
man. Then the person can steal the things from the strong man's house. 28I tell
you the truth. All sins that people do can be forgiven. And all the bad things
people say against God can be forgiven. 29But any person that says bad things against
(refuses to accept) the Holy Spirit* will never be forgiven. He will always be guilty
of that sin." 30Jesus said this because the teachers of the law said that Jesus
had an evil spirit (devil) inside him.

Jesus' Followers Are His True Family

31Then Jesus' mother and brothers came. They stood outside and sent a person in
to tell Jesus to come out. 32Many people were sitting around Jesus. They said to
him, "Your mother and brothers are waiting for you outside." 33Jesus asked, "Who
is my mother? Who are my brothers?" 34Then Jesus looked at those people sitting
around him. He said, "These people are my mother and my brothers! 35My true brother
and sister and mother are those people that do the things God wants."

Footnotes: demon(s) Demons are evil spirits from the devil. Holy Spirit Also called
the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, and the Comforter. Joined with God and
Christ, he does God's work among people in the world.

"Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION © 2001 by World Bible Translation
Center, Inc. and used by permission."


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