Saturday, July 11, 2009

New Testament in a Year - July 12


Acts 13:1-31 - Easy-To-Read Version (ERV)

July 12

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Barnabas and Saul Given a Special Work
131In the church (group of believers) at Antioch there were some prophets* and teachers.
They were: Barnabas, Simeon (also called Niger), Lucius (from the city of Cyrene),
Manaen (who had grown up with Herod,* the ruler) and Saul. 2These men were all serving
the Lord and fasting.* The Holy Spirit* said to them, "Give Barnabas and Saul to
me to do a special work. I have chosen them to do this work." 3So the church fasted*
and prayed. They put their hands on* Barnabas and Saul and sent them out.

Barnabas and Saul in Cyprus
4Barnabas and Saul were sent out by the Holy Spirit.* They went to the city of Seleucia.
Then they sailed from Seleucia to the island of Cyprus. 5When Barnabas and Saul
came to the city of Salamis, they told the message* of God in the Jewish synagogues.*
(John [Mark] was with them to help.) 6They went across the whole island to the city
of Paphos. In Paphos they met a Jewish man who did magic tricks. His name was Barjesus.
He was a false prophet.* 7Barjesus always stayed close to Sergius Paulus, the governor.
Sergius Paulus was a wise man. He asked Barnabas and Saul to come to him. He wanted
to hear the message* of God. 8But Elymas, the magician, was against Barnabas and
Saul. (Elymas is the name for Barjesus in the Greek language.) Elymas tried to
stop the governor from believing [in Jesus]. 9But Saul was filled with the Holy
Spirit.* Paul (Saul's other name) looked at Elymas (Barjesus) 10and said, "You son
of the devil! You are an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of evil
tricks and lies. You always try to change the Lord's truths into lies! 11Now the
Lord will touch you and you will be blind. For a time you will not be able to see
anything--not even the light from the sun." Then everything became dark for Elymas.
He walked around lost. He was trying to find someone to lead him by the hand. 12When
the governor (Sergius Paulus) saw this, he believed. He was amazed at the teaching
about the Lord.

Paul and Barnabas Leave Cyprus
13Paul and those people with him sailed away from Paphos. They came to Perga, a
city in Pamphylia. But John [Mark] left them; he returned to Jerusalem. 14They continued
their trip from Perga and went to Antioch, a city near Pisidia. In Antioch on the
Sabbath day* they went into the Jewish synagogue* and sat down. 15The law of Moses
and the writings of the prophets* were read. Then the leaders of the synagogue sent
a message to Paul and Barnabas: "Brothers, if you have something to say that will
help the people here, please speak!" 16Paul stood up. He raised his hand* and said,
"My Jewish brothers and you other people that also worship the true God, please
listen to me! 17The God of Israel (the Jews) chose our fathers* . God helped his
people to have success during the time they lived in Egypt as strangers. God brought
them out of that country with great power. 18And God was patient with them for 40
years in the desert. 19God destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan. He gave
their land to his people. 20All this happened in about 450 years. "After this, God
gave [our people] judges (leaders) until the time of Samuel* the prophet.* 21Then
the people asked for a king. God gave them Saul, the son of Kish. Saul was from
the family group of Benjamin. He was king for 40 years. 22After God took Saul away,
God made David* their king. This is what God said about David: 'David, the son of
Jesse, is a man who is like me in his thinking. He will do all the things I want
him to do.' 23God has brought one of David's descendants* to Israel (the Jews)
to be their Savior.* That descendant is Jesus. God promised to do this. 24Before
Jesus came, John* told [God's message] to all the Jewish people. John told the
people to be baptized* to show they wanted to change their lives. 25When John was
finishing his work, he said, 'Who do you think I am? I am not the Christ.* He is
coming later. I am not worthy to untie his shoes.' 26"My brothers, sons in the
family of Abraham,* and you non-Jews who also worship the true God, listen! The
news about this salvation has been sent to us. 27The [Jews] living in Jerusalem
and the Jewish leaders did not realize that [Jesus] was the Savior. The words that
the prophets* wrote [about Jesus] were read to the Jews every Sabbath day,* but
they did not understand. The Jews condemned Jesus. When they did this, they made
the words of the prophets come true! 28They could not find any real reason why
Jesus should die, but they asked Pilate to kill him. 29These Jews did all the bad
things that the Scriptures* said would happen to Jesus. Then they took Jesus down
from the cross and put him in a grave. 30But God raised him up from death! 31After
this, for many days, the people that had gone with Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem
saw Jesus. These people are now his witnesses to the people.

Footnotes: prophets People that spoke for God. Herod Herod Agrippa I, grandson of
Herod the Great. fasting, fasted To fast is to live without food for a time of prayer
or mourning. Spirit, Holy Spirit Also called the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ,
and the Comforter. Joined with God and Christ, He does God's work among people in
the world. put their hands on Here, this was a sign to show that these men were
given a special work of God. message, Good News The news that God has made a way
for people to have their sins forgiven and live with Him forever. synagogue(s)
Synagogues were places where Jews gathered for prayer, study of the Scriptures,
and other public meetings. false prophet A person that says he speaks for God but
does not really speak God's truth. Sabbath day The seventh day of the Jewish week.
It was a special religious day for the Jews. prophets People that spoke for God.
Some of them wrote books that are part of the Old Testament. raised his hand A
sign to make the people listen. father(s) Important ancestors of the Jews; the leaders
of the twelve Jewish family groups. Samuel The last judge (leader) and first prophet
of Israel. David King of Israel about 1000 years before Christ. descendant(s) The
people born in a person's family after that person dies. Savior The One that God
promised to send to save His people from punishment for their sins. John John the
Baptizer, the man that told people about Christ's coming (Read Mt. 3; Lk. 3). baptized
A Greek word meaning to be immersed, dipped, or buried briefly under water. Christ
The "anointed one" (Messiah) or chosen one of God. Abraham The most respected ancestor
of the Jews. Scriptures Holy Writings--the Old Testament.
"Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION © 2001 by World Bible Translation
Center, Inc. and used by permission."


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