Acts 7:46-60 - Easy-To-Read Version (ERV)
July 03
King James and other versions... [http://bibleabc.net/bible/kjv/act7-46.htm]
Stephen's Speech (cont.)
46God was very pleased with David. David asked God to let him build a house (temple*
) for him, the God of Jacob. 47But Solomon (David's son) was the person who built
the temple. 48"But the Most High (God) does not live in houses that men build with
their hands. This is what the prophet* writes: 'The Lord says, Heaven is my throne.
49The earth is a place to rest my feet. What kind of house can you build for me?
There is no place where I need to rest! 50Remember, I made all these things!'"
(Isaiah 66:1-2)
51[Then Stephen said,] "You stubborn Jewish leaders! You have not given your hearts
to God! You won't listen to him! You are always against what the Holy Spirit* is
trying to tell you. Your fathers* did this, and you are just like them! 52Your
fathers persecuted* every prophet* that ever lived. Those prophets said long ago
that the Righteous One (Christ* ) would come. But your fathers killed those prophets.
And now you have turned against the Righteous One and killed him. 53You are the
people that received the law [of Moses]. God gave you this law through his angels.
But you don't obey this law!"
Stephen Is Killed
54The Jewish leaders heard Stephen say these things. They became very angry. The
Jewish leaders were so mad that they were grinding their teeth at Stephen. 55But
Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit.* Stephen looked up into the sky. He saw the
Glory of God. He saw Jesus standing at God's right side. 56Stephen said, "Look!
I see heaven open. And I see the Son of Man* standing at God's right side!" 57Then
the Jewish leaders all shouted with a loud voice. They closed (covered) their ears
with their hands. They all ran at Stephen together. 58They took him out of the city
and threw rocks at him until he was dead. The men who told lies against Stephen
gave their coats to a young man named Saul. 59Then they threw rocks at Stephen.
But Stephen was praying. He said, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!" 60He fell on
his knees and shouted, "Lord, don't blame them for this sin!" After Stephen said
this, he died.
Footnotes: temple The special building in Jerusalem for Jewish worship. prophet
Isaiah, who spoke for God about 740-700 B.C. Spirit, Holy Spirit Also called the
Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, and the Comforter. Joined with God and Christ,
He does God's work among people in the world. father(s) Important ancestors of the
Jews; the leaders of the twelve Jewish family groups. persecuted To persecute is
to hurt or do bad things to. Christ The "anointed one" (Messiah) or chosen one
of God. Son of Man A name Jesus used for himself. In Dan. 7:13-14, this is the name
for the Messiah, the one God chose to save his people.
"Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION © 2001 by World Bible Translation
Center, Inc. and used by permission."
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